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重要的是你如何生活. 临终关怀 care is a special kind of care for you and your loved ones during the final stage of life. 我们帮助您充分利用您的时间. By creating a plan, you gain quality time, spent at home with dignity, surrounded by family.

Our specially trained staff is available 24 hours a day to answer questions and provide visits as necessary.

有关临终关怀的更多信息,请致电1-800-598-6155. Our registered nurses are available seven days a week for a no-obligation assessment or consultation.

Priscilla Ammerman在世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀医院的旅程

Hear the personal story of Priscilla Ammerman在世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀医院的旅程 through the voice of her family’s touching testimonial.


临终关怀 services can meet your medical, psychological and spiritual needs in the last stages of life. 服务 can be provided at home, in the hospital or in a long-term care facility.

  • Staff is available 24 hours a day to answer questions and provide visits as necessary.
  • 临终关怀 volunteers are available to lend support that can enhance your quality of life.
  • Medication, medical equipment and supplies are provided as needed for comfort.
  • 丧亲和悲伤服务 are available for your family as needed for up to 13 months after the loss of a loved one.
  • 丧亲互助小组 是否对所有社区成员开放. 全年提供三次为期五周的会议.


  • 疼痛缓解和症状管理
  • 护理
  • 个人护理助手
  • 精神支持和咨询
  • 医务社会工作
  • 物理、职业和语言治疗
  • 膳食咨询
  • 短期住院治疗
  • 喘息的机会
  • 耐用的医疗设备
  • 丧亲服务


When treatment can no longer cure or manage the life-limiting disease, it’s time to consult 临终关怀. Usually, hospice care st艺术s when a person has less than six months to live. You and your family members and your doctor can discuss the most appropriate time to st艺术 care.

临终关怀 care includes symptom management and pain relief as well as spiritual and emotional care.

您、您的医生或您的家人可要求安宁疗护服务. 任何人都可以给临终关怀医院打电话. 如果你不知道该不该打,那就打吧. 我们可以回答你的问题 800-598-6155.



  • 医生
  • 注册护士
  • 持牌执业护士
  • 临终关怀的助手
  • 社会工作者
  • 牧师
  • 丧亲之痛协调员
  • 志愿者


格斯里临终关怀在宾夕法尼亚州是可行的. 纽约州也有其他临终关怀项目.

  • 世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀 is certified by the 宾西法尼亚 Dep艺术ment of Health and is a member of the National 临终关怀 and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and the 宾西法尼亚 首页 Association (PHA).
  • 临终关怀 nurses and aides are certified in hospice and palliative care by the National Board for Certification of 临终关怀 and Palliative Nurses (NBCHPN).




格斯里临终关怀医院每年都会举行一年一度的追悼会. 作为追悼会的一部分, we have a special butterfly release in remembrance of those who have died.


The mission of the tournament is to raise funds for 世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀 to enhance and support 临终关怀 programs and services.


善心日营 is a day camp setting to help children with grief and bereavement through play, 艺术, 音乐和活动.


我在宾夕法尼亚州的一家美甲沙龙等我妈妈. 她的两个孙子住在哪里. 两个月前, I would have never thought my mom and I would be enjoying a beautiful fall day in Mountaintop two hours away from our home in Sayre. My mom is 96 years young and was recently hospitalized with Congestive He艺术 Failure. 她体内积液太多影响了呼吸, 她的衣服/鞋子不合身, 她挣扎着上/下床 ... 生活很艰难. The doctors and nurses in the hospital did their best to treat mom but her he艺术 just could not keep up with the demands of her body. 有手术之类的选择, but mom had some time ago decided she would leave the journey home up to God.

出院前,我有很多担心和疑问. 我们在家里怎么办? With possible restrictions regarding trying to manage her 流感id, what would her diet look like? 她已经吃得很少了,没有多少食物能吸引她. Monitoring her sodium and 流感id intake seemed so overwhelming and so limiting. 她怎样才能毫无困难、不受伤害地上下床呢? 在她目前的状况下,她怎样才能感到舒适和快乐呢? Knowing my concerns and anxiety level, the hospital recommended Palliative/临终关怀 Care. 我们与临终关怀院的美好关系就是从那时开始的.

临终关怀医院介入的那一刻,我的焦虑水平直线下降. 我们的临终关怀经理, 凯伦, 谁出院后不久就来过我们家, 临终关怀的哲学是这样解释的. 她走后,我又能呼吸了. 妈妈喜欢吃什么就吃什么. 我们得到了一张病床,这对我们的生活产生了巨大的影响. 妈妈每周都有护士来访,我们有一个全天候的电话号码.

Words can’t express the appreciation we have for our 临终关怀 Nurse, Susanne. With her care and expertise, my mom lost 28 pounds of 流感id weight and feels terrific. It goes without saying that getting to this point wasn’t easy but with attentive care and consistent monitoring, 苏珊娜和她的团队迎接了挑战!

今天,我妈妈正在积极完成她的遗愿清单. Time isn't spent going to medical office visits but is spent dining out and getting manicures. Mom was in Mountaintop visiting her grandson’s new home and will be flying to 佛罗里达 soon to visit four other grandchildren in their new homes. 生活是美好的!

临终关怀 for us wasn't about death or despair but hope and having the tools to live life to the fullest. 我们不知道我妈妈的心脏什么时候会停止跳动但在临终关怀医院, 她这辈子都不会错过任何机会.
